Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How Should An Aikido Gi Fit How Should A Karate/aikido Gi Fit?

How should a karate/aikido gi fit? - how should an aikido gi fit

Soon I am going to do, karate and aikido, and I have to buy a GI. How should it fit? How much time should be your arms and legs? Any other suggestions in connection with the acquisition of a first soldiers?


Francis A said...

must be resolved. slightly larger than the shirt that you wear.

Brysen said...

Free. I hope you wash? Gi times are reduced, should be good but after the third month. If necessary, roll the sleeves, but the inside view to his sensei. And the sleeves and trousers should go just before touching the wrists and ankles, it's something that [the Senpai their older colleagues] do. I Shotokan Karate, Aikido, but practiced a little. Hope this helps, any other questions, feel free to ask ...

ummer f said...

You should its potential trainers ... Make a few test sessions. And then, when you're ready to go, ask the teacher is willing to pay the membership fees and to buy Dobok gi at all.

TheFight... said...

and if we so high how great it is woudlve I will pay you, but you have not yet given is that mine is closer to my size

in 16 years (MY B-Day today) on my IM and 170 IM 5'7 and a size of 4

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